Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Post . . . I'm Tired of Being Sick

What determines the state of our physical health?

Our environment (the world around us).

Our genetic code (pieces and parts of our parents and grandparents that we inherited at birth).

Our physical age.

Personal discipline.

Many factors add up to our overall health . . . and many of them we cannot change or even improve.  But we can have an impact on our health if we choose to be carefully disciplined to do so.

As a Christian . . . I do NOT believe that God has promised us a life free of pain, disease, sickness, or general physical entropy.  As a matter fact (and faith), when humanity "fell" from God's original design and desire by acts of our free will, we guaranteed ourselves a battle with the consequences of our choices.

God answers prayer . . . but always according to what HE WANTS and never in strict accordance with what we want or pray for. If we think that God is our magical Genii, or our Wizard, or Santa Clause . . . then I believe that we are mistaken about the meaning and purpose of prayer . . . and the nature of God.

Freedom of Will and Choice got us into our present predicament . . . and I believe that we can make decisions NOW that can bring some measure of redemption into our physical lives.

I'm Tired of Being Sick!

. . . and since November of 2012 I have been applying myself to getting into the best health that I can.  I know that I can't become young again . . . I can't reverse years of my own physical abuse . . . and I can't rewrite my genetic code . . . but, I do believe that I can get better.  I intend (stubornly) to attempt to do so.

I'm not just going to live on cruise control anymore . . . indulging myself in harmful behavior.  I'm going to take responsibility for being well.

If you'd like to tag along . . . I would enjoy your company.  Come back regularly to this blog to see how I'm doing and what I'm discovering.  I'm going to find some things that work . . . and some things that do not.  Maybe you can learn from my mistakes and successes.

In 2012 I grew tired of being FAT . . . and I have lost 60 pounds!  I still have 40 pounds to lose (I'm STILL too fat!) . . . and I will lose them.

This is phase TWO of I'm Tired of Being FAT . . .

I'm Tired of Being Sick!

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